Biomass Day at Otjiwa Safari Lodge

TOMCAT Chippers attended the Biomass Technology Expo 2019 in Namibia with our dealer JDE Agri. The event was held at Otjiwa Safari Lodge just outside Otjiwarongo on the 9th of August. The biomass day was extremely well organised by the Namibia Biomass Industry Group. There were more than 120 exhibitors and over 1500 visitors.

Due to the severe drought in Namibia the expo placed a special focus on the production of animal-feed from encroaching bush species also known as Boskos, Bushfeed or Bos-Tot-Kos. Different manufacturers showcased their bush-harvesting equipment, pelletizing equipment and much more. Anything related to the biomass industry from tractors to charcoal.

TOMCAT Chippers displayed a range of products from our standard engine-driven and PTO-driven wood chippers , specialised screen chippers and chipper shredders all the way to our biggest locally manufactured Model 375 AFE wood chipper. During our live demonstrations we showed potential buyers just how easy it is to produce your own animal feed when you use a TOMCAT wood chipper. We also got valuable feedback from our existing customers (who have been using our chippers every day for the last 6 months) about the output of our shredders and screen chippers and the best screen size to use for the different bush species. We once again learned a lot about the Bos-Tot-Kos industry in terms of the best bush harvesting techniques, the build-up of tannins in the bush and the different feed mixes.

A big thanks to all our loyal customers in the Namibia who made an effort to attend the expo and those who gave us compliments on our outstanding workmanship and product quality. It is customer feedback like this that keeps us going and doing what we do! A big shout-out to our dealer JDE Agri in Namibia for all their effort with our TOMCAT brand and looking after our customers. We would also like to congratulate Colin Lindeque and his team at N-Big with a successful Biomass Expo and look forward to attending in 2020!