Wood Chipper Rentals Tomcat Chipper 150 CDE

Interested in wood chipper rentals? Only have a once-off job for a wood chipper? Then rather rent one! Listed below are all the TOMCAT customers who are in the rental/chipper hire industry. This database is updated weekly and shows all the TOMCAT wood chipper rentals available for rent/hire throughout South Africa with the relevant contact details, area and chipper model number to give you an indication of the size of material you can chip.

Wanneer jy slegs ‘n eenmalige behoefte het vir ‘n wood chipper maak dit sin om een te huur in plaas van om jou eie een te besit. Hier onder is ‘n databasis van al die TOMCAT kliënte wat hulle hout chippers uitverhuur regoor Suid-Afrika met die relevante kontak besonderhede, chipper model nommer en die area.

Click here if you are uncertain whether you should rent a wood chipper or buy your own wood chipper?


- We only list TOMCAT wood chipper machines that are properly maintained and can deliver the utmost value for money service. If you rented one of the chippers below and feel that you were not completely satisfied with the service you received, please let us know.
- We don't lease our wood chippers. Our wood chippers are sold to the owners below and we simply promote their wood chipper rental service.


- Ons lys slegs TOMCAT wood chipper masjiene vir verhurings op hierdie blad wat goed in stand gehou word sodat dit puik waarde-vir-geld werk kan verrig. Indien jy ‘n TOMCAT wood chipper gehuur het by een van die besighede wat hier onder gelys word en nie 100% tevrede was met die chipper verhuring nie of die masjien se werkverrigting nie, kontak ons gerus.
- Ons bied geen huurkoop opsies op ons masjiene nie. Ons promofeer slegs persone gelys op hierdie bladsy wat hulle hout chippers verhuur.

List of wood chippers for hire in South Africa

Western Cape Wood Chipper Rentals

City of Cape Town Cape Town Model 150 AFE Wood Chipper 150mm Peninsula Tree Fellers Roy Mitchell 079 900 3513 info@peninsulatreefellers.co.za
Helderberg Strand Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Talisman Hire Strand Koos de Villiers koosdv@talisman.co.za 0218532605 /
Overberg Hermanus Model 4150 AFE Wood Chipper 150mm CCS Plant Hire Nico / Renier 028 312 2280 www.ccsplanthire.co.za
Overberg Hermanus Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Basil Haman Basil 082 898 9694
Overberg Napier Model 100 CDE Wood Chipper 100mm Jennifer Bam Jennifer Bam 074 833 0295
Cape Agulhas Bredasdorp Model 100 CDE Wood Chipper 100mm Dylan 079 056 5902
Garden Route Knysna Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Knysna Lawns Mike Fryer 082 445 2313
Garden Route George Model 100 CDT Wood Chipper 100mm George Lawnmowers 044 874 4796 www.georgelawnmowers.co.za

Northern Cape Wood Chipper Hire

Northern Cape Hartswater Model 4250 AFP 250mm LR Trekkers Gerhard Swart 076 812 6616

Eastern Cape Wood Chipper Hire

Nelson Mandela Bay Port Elizabeth Model 100 CDT
Model 100 CDE
100mm Talisman Hire Brad 041 368 5663
Nelson Mandela Bay Port Elizabeth Model HB350 Stump Grinder N/A Branch Out Management Colin 073 472 5006

Gauteng Wood Chipper Hire

GP Johannesburg Model 100 CDT Wood Chipper
Model 150 AFE Wood Chipper
Model HB350 Stump Grinder
Talisman Hire Morne Venter 011 902 4187 wadeville@talisman.co.za 
GP Johannesburg Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200 mm Honeydew Lawnmowers Stephen Holton 065 739 3538
011 794 2990
GP Pretoria Model 100 CDT Wood Chipper 100mm Talisman Hire North Riding Charwin du Plessis/ Dale Ferreria 0861 808080/ 0121118470 klerksoord@talisman.co.za

Mpumalanga Wood Chipper Hire

MP Nelspruit Model 250 AFE wood Chipper x 4 250mm Agripruning Schalk Swanepoel 082 618 3650 schalk@agripruning.co.za

KwaZulu-Natal Wood Chipper Rentals

KZN Howick Model 150 AFE Wood Chipper 150mm Midlands Power Equipment Chris Odel 082 804 3979 chris@midlandspowerequipment.co.za
KZN Midlands Model 250 AFE Wood Chipper 250mm MFS Vim Gebers / Mark Meyer 082 804 8133 / 076 740 8611 mark89meyer89@gmail.com
KZN NORTH COAST Ballito Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Levenpoint Landscaping Rob Black 082 771 5056 rob@levenpoint.co.za
KZN SOUTH COAST Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Frontier Power Products Sean Gallagher 083 296 5205 gallaghersean89@gmail.com

List of Professional Tree-fellers in South Africa using TOMCAT Wood Chippers in their business

City of Cape Town Cape Town Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Peninsula Tree Fellers Roy Mitchell 079 900 3515
City of Cape Town Cape Town Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Constantia Valley
Environmental Services
Justin Anthony 079 814 9931 www.cves.co.za
Garden Route Plettenberg Bay
& Knysna
Model 150 AFE Wood Chipper 150mm Ollies Projects Dylan Oliver 078 020 1144
Eastern Cape
St Francis Bay Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper
Model 250 AFE Wood Chipper
Justin Donnelley Justin 078 191 7948
Gauteng Pretoria Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Jannie Theron Jan Boom Treefelling 082 569 6139 www.janboom.co.za
Free- State
Bloemfontein Model 200 AFE Wood Chipper 200mm Bloemfontein Tree Felling Joubert 083 240 7905 www.bloemfonteintreefelling.co.za

Want to rent a TOMCAT wood chipper to your customers?

If you have the capital, believe that there might be a demand for wood chipper rentals in your area and want to run your own business, you can start a chipper rental company/service in your area and we will gladly promote your business on our chipper rental page. Give one of our experienced sales representatives a call today to determine the chipper that will best suit your area and off course your budget. We know that when you are in the rental game and your chipper has a breakdown, it costs you money for downtime. Therefore we promise to strive to provide the best service to our chipper hiring/chipper rental customers as we know downtime costs money. Please note: We don't lease our wood chippers. Our wood chippers are sold to the owners on the page and we simply promote their wood chipper rental service.

Indien jy kapitaal het, sien dat daar ‘n behoefte is vir chipper verhurings in jou area en jou eie besigheid wil begin, kan jy jou eie chipper verhurings besigheid begin in jou area en ons sal jou dienste met graagte bemark op ons webwerf. Kontak gerus een van ons bekwane verkoopspersone vandag nog sodat hulle ‘n behoefte bepaling kan doen en die regte aanbeveling kan maak ten opsigte van die grootte van jou begroting en watter chipper die beste sal werk in jou area. Ons verstaan ook dat wanneer jy in die verhurings bedryf is is staantyd wanneer die masjien breek baie sleg vir besigheid. Ons sal altyd ons bes doen om daardie staantyd te beperk en die masjien weer so gou moontlik operasioneel te kry. Let wel: Ons doen geen huurkoop opsies op ons masjiene nie. Ons promofeer slegs persone gelys op hierdie bladsy wat hulle hout chippers verhuur.

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