Catch Tomcat Chippers at these tradeshows in September

TOMCAT Chippers will be well represented at several tradeshows across South Africa in the next 4 weeks. Just to keep you in the loop: here are details about each show and when and where to visit us if you’re in the area.

First up is the Mpumalanga Agri Wildlife & Forestry Festival in Nelspruit from the 30 August – 1 September 2018. TOMCAT will be represented by Enviro Chainsaws from Nelspruit. The show will take place at the Mbombela Stadium. For more info check their facebook page here.
During the same period our representative George Lawnmowers will exhibit our products at the annual George Agricultural Show in the Southern Cape.

We will also be attending the Swartland Skou ourselves for the first time with a large variety machines. This is taking place in Mooreesburg from the 5 – 8 September 2018. For more info visit:

The highlight of our show calendar in the Western Cape is NAMPO Cape in Bredasdorp, which will be held 12 – 14 September 2018. We will be going all out at this show and are really looking forward to it! For more information go to the Grain SA website.

We hope to see you at one of these exciting events!